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Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Okay I have been very bad about putting up pictures! Here is a few...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Train Rides

Well I feel like I have so much to write about. This past week has been a journey!

We started out, myself and three other members of my team, on a very long train ride to northern India. We had such an experience on our first train ride. It was a 2nd class seating with no AC (air conditioning). Despite the hot atmosphere, it was eye opening to what so many experience as life every day in India. The train was grey, with metal bars making up the beds and seats, and steel fans at the top of the car. The view from my bed (which was one of the higher beds) when looking down the car made me feel like I was in prison. That is where I sat for 29 hours. No windows from my seat. Just a over look into many people’s lives. The sections of seats were meant to only seat 6 people. Many had double that. At every station we stopped more beggars, cross dressers and people selling things would jumped on the train to work there way through the cars. It was a never ending reminder of the desperation people have for hope, healing, and love. God used the separation of our team for His glory. One of the girls was placed in a car that was 7 cars down from the rest of us. All of us worried about her, she stayed in our seats until the beds where put down and then she had to go find her own seat so she could sleep that night. The next morning my friend, Emily, and I went to find her. She had a some what okay night, not being bothered to much, but that morning before she returned to the car the rest of us where seated she was able to tell some of the men sitting next to her about Jesus. One man decided that he wanted to know Jesus and she lead him through prayer to be saved!! Praise the Lord! In all things the Lord is good...

Once we finished our 29 hours, we jumped off to head to another train ride. This one only 12 hours long and we were able to get tickets for an AC car. We all trudged forward, still a little bewildered by our last experience, we stepped into a different world. The cars that had AC were like coming back into what we consider normal life. Quiet, calm, educated, well dressed people. Beds and seats where they provided you with blankets, pillows for your sleeping. It was like walking into a different world. You could really get on that train and never realize the people at the other end and the situation that they live in. You could pretend to some degree that people don’t beg, that there aren’t hurt men that dress like women, or that some families only have enough food to share one plate.

I am thankful for our long train ride. The view from both ends and the work that God did along the way. I often wonder what bringing the kingdom of God looks like from the perspective of whatever country I am in. So here in those situations where was the kingdom of God? Where could I have brought more of it? It is here, I believe that more than ever that we are called to bring the kingdom of God to earth as it is in heaven, right now. So whether at the poor or the rich end of that train ride, the kingdom was there and was needed is more quantity. I know more love could have been expelled from myself on that trip. Fear can often hold me back, and this is something I am learning to let go of more and trust more in Jesus. There was such joy in one family on the first train. They were two families I think, two young women with kids and some men, husbands and brothers I imagine. The time they spent together, feeding there kids, talking, and playing games with each other was so fun to watch. It was the peace amongst the chaos for me. So that was my kingdom to watch. Relationships and joy come from that family. I think it is important to think about what does that mean to you, to bring the kingdom of God. What is the kingdom of God? What does it consist of? If you don’t have an Biblical idea of what the kingdom that Jesus so often talked about looks like, then how do we live in a kingdom manner?

These questions are always floating in my mind so I thought I would let them float in your too...

Well we made it to our destination. We have started our health care seminars with 15 participates! It is already spirit led and doing great things! I will write more later..

You are blessed to be a blessing,